The Day I Decided To Try My Hand At Selling A Digital Product

Dec 12 Home-Based Digital Product Business

How long did your first digital product wait to sell?


Have you ever wondered why, no matter how much time you’ve wanted to go on the internet and start generating money online, you’ve put it off because you don’t know where to start and are afraid of building your own product to sell? Finally, you give up, and the goal of building an online business returns time and time again in your mind.

Moms, Bring Your Idea to Life—in Just Days!!

Here’s what I did a little under a year ago. I decided to attempt my hand at selling a digital product, so I put together three different sorts of guidelines and checklists on how to use Affiliate marketing to establish a business.

After gathering all of the essential material on the subject and putting it together, I reproduced my article in PDF format… and performed some digital advertising to sell it.

Since that day, that has become my first self-created digital product. All I did was post a link to my sales page and a pay button in several make money online specialty FB groups, with the link to my sales page and a pay button for anyone who was interested in purchasing my offer there and then.

To my surprise, it sold more than a hundred copies.




That however does not imply that I am an expert in coming up and sale of information products with doesn’t make me an expert on creating and selling digital products–in fact, far from it. But it showed me at that moment that it doesn’t matter if your first information product isn’t excellent.

  What matters is that your product must have certain values that resonate with a specific group of individuals who will see your offering as something they want and would like to purchase.

Your product could be a solution to their health, relationship, money, or problem. They will buy it even in PDF form.

Simply take action, and the rest will take care of itself…! The important thing to remember is that you don’t have to make your first product flawless… all you need is a decent and useful topic that people are eager to obtain, and a product that adds value to other people’s lives, would sell itself.

The good news is that you can produce a product considerably faster and more easily. Perhaps not as quickly as reading this post, but it can certainly be completed in less than a week… and or a few days!

As a result, you’ll have more time to sell and market your goods, leading to more sales.

After all, that’s where the money is.

Imagine how many profitable items you could produce and how much more money you could make if you learned how to make your own products so quickly!

So I made the decision to assist you in getting off to a solid start. These three approaches were put together by me to help you construct your own hot-selling products. FAST…

1. Interview an Expert

You likely know or can easily spot several specialists in your field who are well-known and regarded by your target market. They are usually authors or editors of books or articles on your subject.

These folks can answer several of your prospects’ concerns and teach them how to solve their problems.

That’s why interviewing an expert is a great way to come up with digital products that are both profitable and simple to make.

You can interview the experts by email or using a phone, turn it into an ebook easily and then sell it for big profits.

You can record your phone call and make it into an audio course if you interview them over the phone. Audio items have a higher perceived value, therefore you can charge more for them. Just be sure to get their permission before recording your talk.

You may also pay someone to produce the transcription so that you can sell it separately as an ebook or as a bonus with your audible course.

Neil Shearing Julius is a good example of someone who has effectively adopted this strategy. He is a well-known expert in the field of Internet marketing.

He has created an ebook called “Internet Marketing Diamond” which is consisted of interviews with top, well-known Internet marketing gurus where they share their success secrets I managed to purchase his book and found it to be really useful.




2. Compile Templates and Samples

Who says you have to write all your ebooks word by word yourself?

After all, individuals buy ebooks to learn how to solve their problems and achieve their goals. So long as your ebook is beneficial to your target market, the rest is irrelevant.

Not only will you supply your target market with the essential information they desire, but you’ll also be able to develop your product much more effectively and quickly by gathering templates, examples, articles, and other useful information into an ebook.

3. And Best of All…

There’s another strategy that, when combined with the above-mentioned process, can help you generate high-quality, hot-selling items in less than a couple of weeks without having to worry about having to write everything from start and wasting a lot of your time.

It’s a trade secret that many top Internet marketers practice but never tell you about. It’s almost as if it’s one of their insider tips for getting rich on the internet.

You may discover much about this strong product creation secret, along with all of its benefits, which will allow you to generate information products in any area without needing to worry about what to write or when your product will finish.. Because you’ll be developing your info product with a speed of almost like an expert even if you are a newbie.

Excited to find out what that secret technique is and how it works to help you create a business online? You can get that help by simply clicking here.

So I’ll leave you here see you on the next page.