How To Automate Your Marketing Effectively

Aug 08 Home-Based Digital Product Business, Marketing Tactics

Automate In Perfect Schedules




Due to the loudness of our home pet kitty cat, I was awakened today much earlier than my regular hour of 8: am. Well, she was calling for food like she always does for breakfast in the morning, but I was curious why she was making so much noise outside my door. Anyway, after giving my cat her breakfast and making myself some coffee, I start taking the daily 1-hour break to check email and write responses. After that, I proceed to do some housework and other household chores. Due to the fact that we all like to sleep in and wake up late, it normally takes me approximately 4 hours to do everything, including making a brunch.

In contrast to working and operating your own business and earning your own money without a supervisor to tell you what to do and not to do, there is a greater benefit when we work from home running an internet business because we don’t have to worry about leaving home to travel for work every day or about coming late.

Another benefit of operating an internet business is that you can automate your marketing where you can set the sales process one time and let it work the process of marketing and selling by itself while you can do a lot more other stuff for your business.


What are the different sorts of automated email messages used by online businesses?

Research indicates that welcome (onboarding), thank you, and transactional emails are the most common use. Autoresponders are another email strategy used by businesses.

Autoresponder emails build trust

An autoresponder is a series of emails issued in a prescribed sequence at predetermined intervals, usually on a certain topic. When someone joins your general email list, the process can begin. Alternatively, you can make new lists for people who particularly desire the information.

Generally, the autoresponder aims to transfer know-how, but making offers and attempting to sell are not out of bounds. To get the proper mix of informative and promotional material, you’ll usually have to experiment. You should always address your prospect’s needs and promote the advantages of your products or services.

Your email autoresponder series will establish trust with your prospects if everything goes according to plan. Your messages will surface in their inboxes on a regular basis.

You’ll also be sharing useful information and gradually increasing mindshare. If your content is well accepted, you’ll be conditioning the reader to open your emails, visit your website, and, hopefully, do business with you.

This is the formula, simply stated:

Repeated updates and visits = familiarity = trust = sales.



Choose a creative subject for your autoresponder.

If you want your autoresponder series to be a success with your subscribers, it must meet an informational demand, so choose your topic wisely. You’ll want to dig into your audience’s wants and identify the main problem issues, just like you would with any content development.

Try a combination of the following to identify them:

Readers must be asked. – Starting with your current readers is a good idea. Simply contact or call a large sample of current customers and ask them a few questions. You could also carry out a survey. Another option is to dig into a group you’re in charge of, or to engage in a social network or a forum.

Pay close attention to social media

Your best market research instrument is social media. Examine some of your industry’s best blogs to discover what gets the most attention and comments.

Keep an eye on the hashtags that are trending in your industry. Investigate question-and-answer websites like Quora.

Assess your own content – You might get ideas for your autoresponder series simply by assessing the interest in your existing content. Which posts have performed best? Look at the shares, comments, and analytics.

You can look at what people have searched for if your site has a search tool. You probably get queries via email and/or chat. Take notes on the questions and check for patterns and common themes.

Research keywords – The Google Keyword Planner tool won’t literally tell you the topics your readers are interested in, but you can test your hunches by using it to check the popularity of various keyword searches.

Three recommendations for autoresponder messaging




You can either write a new copy for your email series or leave it as is. Consider the following options:

Plan A: Entirely new

You can create fresh new content for your autoresponder based on your study. While this clearly generates composing work for you or someone you pay, your new content can be presented as exclusive content that cannot be found elsewhere. It’s possible that uniqueness will entice your readers to sign up.

However, you might want to take a couple of shortcuts.

Plan B: Your blog is great.

Why don’t revive some old posts? You can bet that your subscribers, especially new ones, haven’t read all you’ve posted.. Examine your blog for old posts that are still relevant. To make it easier to construct a subject and theme series, bring together several that cover a single category. Alternatively, you may have previously created a series of blogs that would be excellent for an autoresponder series..

Plan C: An e-book

It’s possible that you’ve written e-books. Alternatively, you could have created a mega-post to provide a comprehensive reference to a given subject. Using either resource, making an autoresponder series might be as simple as slicing and dicing.

I’ve said this already: your content marketing stable’s horse is the e-book.

There are three ways to create content.

You’ll need to select how to display the content whether you generate new content

  1. Resuscitate old blog posts or e-books
  2. Alter available information
  3. Use a combination of these tactics.

One approach is to just copy and paste your entire blog post (or an e-book part) into the email’s content.

Another option is to display a section of your content (for example, the first few sentences), followed by a link to the original post or e-book.

You might include a link and an overview of your content.

Some pointers for sending autoresponder emails

Set a schedule. Consider the number of emails in your autoresponder series as well as the delivery intervals. Because there is no right or wrong method to make these choices, you might think about:

  • Go with a hunch. You may believe that your viewers can’t wait to get their hands on the stuff, so you’ll distribute it across several days. Alternatively, you may decide that splitting them out by a few days or mailing them weekly is preferable.
  • Test. You could make a schedule and keep an eye out for unsubscribes. You might also test two different approaches to discover which would be more productive.
  • Emulate. Because autoresponders are a standard approach used by skilled content and email marketers, you might simply copy the strategies used by a series you enjoyed.



Short Series? A quick training will be easier to create and may appear more interesting to your viewers, particularly who are unfamiliar with your material.

Long Series? A longer episode would go into a subject on a deeper level. It may also benefit your lead nurturing because you’ll be seeing your subscriber’s emails more frequently.

While a longer series may result in more unsubscribes, it may be more effective in isolating people to are interested in business services or products from those who aren’t.

Sell it. I recommend that you use your plan as a selling point if you choose to go lengthy, brief, or somewhere in between. For example…

  • In a sequence of four emails, we’ll give you a short training on (topic).
  • The 30 lessons in 30 days series will teach you everything you need to know regarding (subject)

The length of emails sent

The length of your emails, like many of the other decisions you’ll be making, should be thoroughly considered and tested. “Don’t count characters, but make every character count,” I’ve been known to say.

Edit your copy until you’re satisfied that each line has a purpose. If you do so, your audience will, ideally, agree that length doesn’t matter and will read longer works as a result. Given the timing of an autoresponder (that is, it should be the apex of “permission-based marketing”), you might find that your subscribers prefer long-form emails.

However, many readers want to get through their email as quickly as possible. Again, you can include a clip of the article in your email and a link to a section on your blog or website. Some people, however, might prefer to view all copies in your email.

If you plan to send out emails in a short period of time, such as five days in a row, you might want to explore a short copy.

It’s not a bad idea to ask your audience what they prefer. Alternatively, you might include copy length as a variable in the properties, you test, and monitor. Words are less effective than actions.

What should autoresponder emails look like?

Here we are again, debating what would be clearly a personal choice. Which is better: HTML or plain text? Is it better to have a sidebar or one column? Is it better to utilize a lot of photos, or just one, or none at all?

Be extremely deliberate about being friendly to the eyes, regardless of the choices you make. Make your material easy to read by breaking it up into short paragraphs and including plenty of white space.

Screens are shrinking in size, to be fair. And, without a doubt, a growing percentage of emails are being read on mobile devices. Accepted. Readers, on the other hand, are accustomed to browsing and will appreciate a clean, uncluttered style.

Use headers, bulleted lists, captions, and any other tricks you can think of to make it easier on the vision and communicate properly with the skimmer.

P.S. Try using a P.S. after the signature. Time and again, research reveals how effective postscript messages are.


Most types of businesses can benefit from autoresponder email marketing. You don’t have to wait till you have a product or a course to sell.. In fact, not having these types of things makes your autoresponders even more important. They’ll be invaluable in assisting you in building the email list you require.